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What is Coaching

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) definition of coaching is “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process to maximize personal and professional potential.”  Coaching provides a safe environment to focus on who you are, what is possible, and the impact you wish to create in the world. Coaching includes powerful conversations where your thoughts will be challenged, where you learn more about yourself on a deeper level, and you uncover new perspectives that bring about empowered change. 

What to Expect

In our coaching sessions, we will work together to explore what you want, what you believe, and what you are experiencing. Your role includes owning the agenda, trusting in the coach/coachee relationship, and being open to possibilities. As we conclude each session, you will agree on an action to continue your learning between sessions. 

Mountain Landscape
Alpinen meadow

What Happens Next

Let's meet! Schedule a free 30-minute chemistry call so we can connect and determine if we are a good match. If we mutually agree to pursue the coaching relationship, then we'll move forward with a Discovery session. During this 90-minute session, we will design our partnership and uncover some of your values and goals. From there, we agree to meet biweekly for 45-60 minutes per session. You will receive a questionnaire beforehand to help clarify a topic in advance, and we'll briefly discuss your action item from the previous session to see what new learning was created from it. We continue with this cadence until you decide you are ready to "complete," at which point we celebrate where you are and what is next!

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